I remember I had this video game where everytime you clicked on a character he would say "werk werk"..anyways, I digress.
I am now back from my vacation as you all can probably tell and none too pleased about it. After spending 3 weeks on the road eating yummy Italian food and getting my fill of culture..and then spending a few precious days with my girlfriend, I am finally back at work.
Surprisingly, not that much work has piled up which brings me to the realization of my own personal dispensability. I always wanted a job where I was indispensable, (chiefly because every management guru always propounds "be indispensable at work so they cant fire you. But dont be so indispensable they cant promote you).
On the plus side, being dispensable means that you can take 3 week vacations and nobody really notices. Heh heh. How nice of me to put such a positive spin on my own sorry plight. This way I have managed to keep my own insecurities and fears well hidden while appearing cheery and optimistic at the same time. I think a career as a management guru is in the cards for me.
I am sure when the ax comes I will be one of those to cheerily comment "well its not so bad..at least they didnt strip me naked, cover me in tar and feathers and parade me down Main Street while at the same time mercilessly whipping my buttocks"
Was at dinner with a family friend last night whose mother is quite a tradional Indian woman..but thats for a later post...