Friday, June 18, 2004


After reading about Madonna's change of name, I immediately dashed off to find out what Kabbalah was all about. As I read through the Kabbalah website, I noticed that they said theirs was the best way to understand the universe. I was a bit mystified since when I went for a Vipassana course, they said it was the best way, and when I did a Transcendental meditation course, they said it was the best way, and when I met a born again Christian, he said his was the best way..and on and on and on. So whose is the best way? How does one judge these things, and more importantly, how does each faith / philosophy judge that they are the best. Is there some sort of metric system followed or something? How does common joe like me figure out which way is the perfect way?

Somebody please shed some light on this..


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