Too Much Money, Honey!
Im pissed off, upset, and scared. Im living in fear. And Im thanking my lucky stars that I dont live in the good ol' US of A right now.
Take a look at that graph. It represents the amount of money supply in the US economy since god knows when. Anybody can tell, the amount of money supply in the last year alone has been more than the cumulative amount in the last above mentioned god knows when amount of years!
And whats more, this huge amount of money has been doled out to very very very very bad people. People to whom giving money is like giving bottles of whiskey and the keys to your car. Guaranteed to cause a big crash and a massive headache after that.
After the recent massive crash, you would think the little people would get a break. After all, many lost their homes, their jobs, their cars, and god knows what else. These are the people who if at all, deserve a handout and some cash to get back on their feet. So, if all those trillions were distributed to the people in the form of cheques in their mailbox with an apology letter from the Fed, it would be justice done at last.
Instead, those trillions of dollars have been put into the banking system. Of course, we all know what the banks are going to do with it. Nothing. For now.
Thats because they are all scared of what just happened a year back. But give them another 6 months, nay, another 6 days, and their marvellously short memories will erase all the bad thoughts and figure that hey, I have all this money just sitting here, why dont I spend it? And spend they will. With a vengeance. More than they did the last time around. They will give every tom dick harry susan anthony money, they will buy up all the assets they can lay their hands on, they will give to every charity, they will.....they will just give and give and give. And we will have a massive party. Stocks will soar, salaries will rise, home prices will shoot up, we will buy cars, planes, boats, bazookas, whatever...until finally someone figures out that shit..all this money isnt really worth anything, because prices are rising real fast. So they will spend faster and faster.
Soon, you will be grabbing your salary at the end of the day, and then running down to the store to buy whatever you can afford. And then comes the point where a loaf of bread is pretty much all you can get for like..$3000 or whatever.
Its happened dont smirk. See this link here..the list is almost every known country.
So Im telling all everyone who reads this, which is probably just my wife and maybe some random guy who landed on my page from Google, that put all your money into hard assets. Buy gold, buy property, buy anything that has a lasting value.
And then sit tight and wait for the tsunami of money to hit. You will be king with your real assets. Hell, once you flash your gold plated teeth, the grocer may even let you cut to the front of the line to buy your loaf of bread.
Labels: bailout, economy, money, money supply
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