Viva La Revolution!

Those of you who are aquainted with me know that I am something of a rebel, an anti-establishment type, an angry young man.
So in keeping with my character and the public's expectations, I have launched my latest campaign to thumb my nose at the capitalist pig establishment who want me to spend my hard earned money on their products. I encourage you to join me, my fellow revolutionaries in this noble cause:
Simply put, I have started pressing the mute button on my TV remote whenever the commercial breaks come on.
Diabolical huh? By one simple press of my finger, I am laying waste to millions, nay zillions of the establishment's hard earned money which they have lavished on making those facile and irritating Tv commercials.
I used to always get irritated by the commercials, by their incessant insistence that I buy their crappy products. By the overly theatrical antics employed by their stupid celebrities. By the limp acting skills displayed by the models. By everything in fact.
I used to run from the TV room to the bedroom, shut the door and cover my head with a pillow to try and escape their blandishments..especially those of Garnier Nutrisse which are so smoothly seductive that even now, I can hear Aishwarya Rai informing me that her hair colour has to be just puuuurrrrfect.
The strain was too much. Family life was suffering. Morals were being eroded by this constant assault on my character (and resistance to spending money).
Then, a radical discovery was made.
If I switched off the sound, the commercial lost 80% of its power over me. Suddenly, it looked just like the screensaver on my computer instead of an annoying drain on my resources. I didn't have to run to another room anymore. Just a simple 'click'..and peace ensued.
Family life has improved because I now talk to my wife during the commercial breaks. Those 3 minute conversations make all the difference to our relationship.
Except of course when a new commercial comes on..that I just HAVE to see.
Final score:
1 billion million points for Feedo, zero for the advertisers.
(Stay tuned for my next campaign: Shutting my eyes whenever I see an ad in a printed publication, or when I see a billboard while driving.)
have resolved to only close the eye closest to the billboard while driving.
I too am in favor of capitalism, but I am opposed to spending any money whatsoever on overpriced products!
I think that's a great plan! :-)
Ironically, I got my degree in advertising but I loathe most advertising and the whole "buy buy buy" mindset. :-P in advertising and loathing advertising. There are some good ads out there, but very few. Most of them look like they were made by pre-school children with too much money to burn.
What I hate most is how TV channels keep the volume low during the serials and then jack up the volume to double during the commercial breaks. You are straining to hear the dialog and then suddenly your ears get blasted by the incessant music of the ads!
Hi, Even I specialised in adv. for my post and like spent a month in an agency and hated the work and the whole concept. There are some good Indian ads too..Recent trends the advs coming out are really creative from Hutch to Worldspace radio n stuff..but then there is always the hair products and the ads for soaps and stuff that really test your patience.
Yea..the FMCG ads always test your patience as they are built for the lowest commond denominator and rely overly on saccharine sweet celebrities. Most of their storylines make you wonder if you are missing something or whether they just take you to be a moron.
I'm in this revolution too! :D
BTW, you are very right about the volume for ads and for regular programs. It's so irritating.
Earlier it wasnt so irritating with the volume level because I was half deaf from all the clubbing I used to do. But now my hearing is coming back, and its been a bit of a bother I say.
I hereby pledge my allegiance to this noble and worthy cause!!
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