No Bull!

This can only happen in India (I think).
While sitting at a traffic light, a large bull meandered into the middle of the road while his harem of cows waited demurely on the side. Since he was blocking one full lane of traffic, one enterprising car owner decided to try and honk him out of the way. What happened next was both hilarious and truly representative of how India lives both in the modern world, while retaining its old world charm.
The car was obviously brand new and had been recently garlanded with marigold flowers and leaves. A testimony to the high regard it was held in by its owner. So anyways, the car went honk honk and vroomed its engine enthusiastically while edging forward to persuade the bull to move its vast bulk off the road.
The bull resisted for a while, but then decided that perhaps the view might be better from another point more central in the road. It sort of shambled off to the side, then craned its head to look reproachfully at the car. Must have been thinking "nasty little sod" in its own bovine language.
Suddenly, it spotted the garland of marigold flowers and leaves hanging from the bonnet of the car. Oh! What a tasty bovine treat! It ambled over and started munching the garland off the front of the car. There was a moment of uneasy peace between the car and the its enemy. Then the signal turned green and naturally, everyone was trying to take off..including the hapless car owner. Remember, cows are held as sacred in India, so he couldnt shoo off the bull without offending some god or the other. But he was in a hurry so he stepped on the gas and tried to move.
Bull decided the garland was trying to get away and put all its effort into eating it as fast as possible. There ensued a tug of war between the car and the bull. Finally, with a snap the garland gave way and proceeded down the bull's gullet while the car pushed off somewhat sheepishly.
This is why I wouldnt trade my homeland for any other. Its strange brand of humour blindsides you as you are driving your way home, in the middle of the street, waiting for the light to turn green.
*grin* What a great image!! :o) I love it, LOL!
harem of demure cows? :D Good one
Totally agree. I too won't trade my homeland for any other.
(Desipundit visitor. Like your writing saar!)
The cows really were looking demure (I swear) batting their large eyelashes at all of us!
I believe in the holy city of Varanasi, cows can wander into any shop and eat anything, and no-one shoos them away.
I sure do miss eating a good steak. Mmm!
Or should I say Mmmoooo!
harem of cows :-)
Funny post. But don't you think the whole cows and India thing has been overdone (or dare I say well done since we are talking about cows)? That seems to be one of the most common images associated with India... oh well
Lol.. It's hilarious and you have exceptional writing skills. :)
Thank you Sunshine..I am blushing.
Yes, the cows and India thing has been overdone, but what to do..they are EVERYWHERE! You cant even take a leak on the road without seeing one staring forlornly at you. I think they are a common image because they are..well, common.
My dad says he's a non-veg because if someone does'nt eat the animals, they will take over the world. Seeing the proliferation of cows on our streets, he may have a point.
I wonder though..can you just take one home or do they belong to someone?
I guess you are joking abt the solution for stray animal menace on roads or may be you just might suggest eating babies to control human population :)
Dont get me wrong.
Sadly you see animals on road not because there are few non-veg eating ppl but because of many insenitive people. For eg when a cow does not yield milk or requires expensive medication.
People abandon animals as and when according to their convinience and leaving them to be harassed and tortured on roads.
But sadly in a nation where human life has no value who is gona spare a thought for these animals?
I am joking about the stray animal menace.
I have experienced this leaving of animals on the roads first hand. Once, when we were sleeping a stray monkey landed up in our room. A tourist had bought him for the duration of his stay, and when he left, he turned loose the animal to fend for itself. We had to capture it and take it to a wildlife sanctuary.
Other times, I would see pedigreed dogs wandering the streets of Colaba for the same reason.
As for the value of human life in India..I think its improving given the outrage over Jessica Lal's case etc.
There is hope yet, you cynic you!
right on buddy am a diehard cynic!
Right now reading all your posts and smiling...
Me, I am also a cynic, but an optimistic cynic. My worldview goes something like this..
"bah! Its all crap. Nothing is good anymore, and the world is going to the garbage bin...
But who knows, it might improve sometime and the sun will shine through very soon..ooh wont that be exciting!!"
There, now you understand the innermost workings of my psyche..
Yes, this did happen in Moooombai! Right near Prabhadevi as a matter of fact..
seriously cows on the road i dont see whats the great deal as it has been stated its done to death and
i really feel bad when india is coloured like this on a international public forum why not talk about the patience of that driver to actually sit through the whole incident. :)
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