Further Bai Stories

The bai speaks only Marathi, and I speak very little. So our communications are conducted with vigorous waving of hands, the few marathi words I know, hindi, gujarati, english..whatever language happens to have the word I was looking for at that particular moment. Nidhi lambasts her in chaste hindi and the bai replies in chaste marathi..so its usually like..
Nidhi (in a rage): Bai! The ceiling fans have so much dust on them its dripping into my tea!
Bai: My, you look funny with your eyes popping out like that.
Her style of washing dishes is unique. Liberal use of soap cake on the dish, and forget to rinse it off later. She figures since soap makes things clean, why bother cleaning off the soap with water? So you pour a cup of tea, and peer into the cup to see a big blob of green detergent in there. Fling it out, grab another cup, repeat.
The funniest thing was that she didnt know she couldnt see. So she had these bad headaches for years and finally someone told her she needs spectacles. We coulda told her that a year back.
But to be fair, she is honest and doesnt steal, hasnt hit on me, comes to work unfailingly (and frequently if she knows you are home), asks for small stuff like medicines or a pair of spectacles (now that she discovered she needs them), and keeps us entertained with her antics. All in all, a good buy (get the pun? huh? huh?).
Have attached a small recent photo of her so you guys can identify her if she ever turns up at your door..
This reminded me so much of my maid who used to speak only Telugu.
you killing me fido , you killing me...!!! as i read your blog i had to stifle my laughs so much and sounded like a grunting hog instead...my collegue was highly amused..too funny...
I once had a maid who spoke only telugu - this was while I lived in Hyderabad. Luckily, I was always asleep when she came to clean..err..I think a pattern is developing here..
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