Monday, May 03, 2004

Growing up

When you are young, you feel that the world is an essentially good place, that everyone is nice, and that there are happy endings no matter what. There are evil people, but they get their just desserts and chocolate cake is a special and rare treat you absolutely must consume in large quantities due to a shortage in worldwide supply.

Flash forward to some 20 years later and you find yourself questioning people who do good deeds, wonder why no-one can be trusted (most of all the leaders who should be the ones showing the rest of us the way), and anyone offering you a "good deal" is probably out to rip you off. Plus, now chocolate cake is an evil that lurks around ever corner and you must limit the number of slices you eat so you dont bloat up like an elephant.

My theory is that:

The world was a better place 20 years ago..there was a lot of goodness in the world.

This imbalance had to be corrected so a new species was born - to exploit this goodness in human beings for its own gain. Just natural evolution - abundance in any one thing must be countered by its opposite.

In the future, since everyone will become an exploiter, corrupt, mercenary etc., the world will have another imbalance which will again be righted by people of the goody two-shoes variety.

My other theory is that:
I just grew up thats all.


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