Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Deja Vu

These days, all I have been feeling is deja vu. No..not like the deja vu that Neo felt in the Matrix where he sees the black cat go by him some 4 times..but a feeling that everything that has to be experienced has been experienced and now all of life is just like the rerun of a TV series that you never really liked much in the first place but were now forced to watch again because there is nothing else on TV.

Somewhat irritating if you know what I mean. I get this feeling that I need to be more interested in my life, my work, my family, etc. but just cant be arsed. Its like..a rut..which I need to get out of soon. But to do what? It just seems like all worthwhile goals are nowhere near attaining (eg. Total World Domination or $1 million in the bank) or are not really worth attaining (what to do with the world then? What - pay $300k in taxes? are you nuts!!).

Something must be done..but what..just cant be arsed to think about it!!


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