Thursday, April 29, 2004

A Weighty Sexual Issue

After carefully observing millions of women and men over a 30 year period beginning in 1973, I have come to the startling conclusion that men are obsessed by sex, and women by weight.

This strange discovery (which I am sure you all never noticed Hah! and for which I will recieve the Nobel Prize) means that you can tell a woman once that she looks a little fat and then she will go absolutely ballistic about it for aaaages and aaages and keep asking everyone - do I look fat? Do I look fat? Do I look fat in this? I feel fat. Do I look fat?

Tell a man that he is crap in bed and he will go on saying the following - "was it good for you honey? Well, how was it for you? Good eh? Wasnt that great? Most amazing sex ever eh?"

And then roll over and go to sleep instantly.

There has to be some way of cross polinating the genes so that everytime a woman asks "do I look fat?" she rolls over and falls asleep instantly.

This will solve the following problems:

1. Answering that God forsaken question
2. Precluding any more questions of type above

Give me the Nobel Prize now and nobody gets hurt


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