Thursday, April 15, 2004

Shortage of faces in the world

This morning, as the hotel driver was dropping me to work, I noticed that his face looks exactly like the wife of a friend of mine. This and other such sightings lead me to conclude that there is a shortage of faces in the world and God or whoever is responsible for these things is too lazy to make entirely new ones and just keeps tweaking the old ones.

I can well imagine his thoughts....having made the wifes face he probably figured...put some hair here..a coupla wrinkles and we could paste the same thing on some hotel driver in Nasik!!

In my opinion God smokes dope all day long and watches TV...which leaves him precious little time or inclination for getting all the details exactly right.

However, since Creation is gratis, you can hardly expect a customer service number to call up and complain. Bummer!

Geez..I must be bored out of my skull to be writing this crap. Yes..I am..and the voices in my head wont be quiet..Shut up Geoffrey! Im trying to type out here!


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